Friday, May 20, 2011

Yes, the Farmers Market.

We feel there is no better way to get your Veggies than by visiting the Farmers Market.  Here we are getting our Veggies in in St. Petersburgs famous saturday morning market.  What a spectacular way to see the food we all should eat more of.

Baskets full of fresh Egg Plant.  

 Now what a Radish Site.  Radishes are the most beautifying of all foods.  The Radishes rejuvenative properties are found in its high sulfur, silicon, and vitamin C content.  These minerals and vitamins work together to create glowing beautiful skin. 

Cucumbers have a reputation as the best kidney cleanser known.  They are a natural diuretic; thus, they prevent bloating due to water retention, and they help wash the kidneys and bladder of debris and stones. :)  One of the most beautifying and cleansing of all juices combines celery, apple, and cucumber together in the following ratio:
4-6 ribs celery
1 apple
1 cucumber

What Beauty. YES SHE IS!!!