Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sexy Summer Arms in 28-days!

Sexy Summer Arms in 28 Days! 
Sexy Summer Arms in 28 Days! (all exercises posted on our Blog can be found on our website, www.thebellyfitclub.com)
The great thing about training arms is that you'll never run out of exercises.  With just 20-minutes of Cardio combined with this strength training routine only 4 times a week, you will be sleeveless in no time.  For fast results follow this with my 28-day Jumpstart eating plan found here, www.thebellyfitclub.com.

This is a great upper-body Circuit done in a circuit fashion-do one set of an exercise, then immediantely move to the next. 
No gym or treadmill required to get the body you've always wanted here...All can be done on the ball with hand weights and, for cardio, a jumprope.  
Warm-up with 10-minute of cardio
Chest-Chest Press followed with Pushups for 10 reps each
rest for 10-30 seconds
Back-One Arm Row followed with Back Extensions
rest for 10-30 seconds
Shoulders-Shoulder Press Followed with Side Raises
rest for 10-30 seconds
Biceps-Side Bi Curls followed by Alt. Biceps Curls
rest for 10-30 seconds
Triceps-Triceps Pushups followed with Triceps Dips
rest for 10-30 seconds
Abs-The Plank followed with Ball Crunches

10-minute of cardio
Chest-Chest Press followed with Pushups for 10 reps each
rest for 10-30 secondsBack-One Arm Row followed with Back Extensions
rest for 10-30 seconds
Shoulders-Chest Press Followed with Side Raises
rest for 10-30 seconds
Biceps-Side Curls followed by Alt. Biceps Curls
rest for 10-30 seconds
Triceps-Triceps Pushups followed with Triceps Dips
rest for 10-30 seconds
Abs-The Plank followed with Ball Crunches