Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cheesecake anyone?

Raw Cheesecake:
 2 cups raw cashews – soaked 6 to 12 hours
1-2 tbsp olive oil (optional)
Celtic sea salt (1/2 teaspoon)
Juice of 1 lemon
Sweetener of your choice (We use 1 tbsp honey but 2 pitted medjool dates would work well too)

 Blend in Vitamix / blender until completely smooth Add a little water slowly until desired consistency. Can also be done with cashews that have not been soaked. In this case, blend cashews into powder first in Vitamix, Nutri-bullet, or coffee grinder. Place in refrigerator or freeze. 

Tomato, Spinach, and Garlic Juice

Keep the pounds off this holiday season without dieting. How?  By doing this one simple thing.  Drink this juice before breakfast, lunch, and dinner and watch the pounds melt off.  How? Condensed nutrition like this helps to suppress the appetite so you eat less. try it! It really works. 

One serving of one cup of this tomato, spinach,  garlic juice will give you just over 100 calories and almost 24 grams of carbohydrates. You will also be getting over 1,000 milligrams of your daily potassium and 4 grams of protein.
In terms of vitamins, you are getting 9% of your daily vitamin E, 21% of your daily vitamin B-6, 61% of your daily vitamin A, as well as almost 160% of your daily vitamin C.
In terms of minerals, you are getting quite a few in this juice. Some minerals include: 3% of your daily calcium, 12% of your daily iron, 18% of your daily copper, as well as 18% of your daily folate.

5 handfuls spinach
1 clove garlic
8 tomatoes

This is great to have right before dinner. :)

For more juice recipes go to 

Day 21 of the Radiant Challenge {LAST DAY}!

DONE! Welcome to the last day of the Radiant Challenge! If you've made it this far, no matter how many challenges you've completed, you deserve a party, a parade and a million dollars. I can't give you any of those, but I can give you my congratulations and my admiration for your perseverance.
Living healthy takes hard work, as you've found, and you aren't always 100% perfect. However, my definition of success isn't someone who's perfect, but someone who keeps going no matter what. As we end this challenge, that's what I'd like to leave you with: The idea that there is no such thing as being perfect all the time, but that putting some kind of effort into your health (even if you can only muster the smallest bit) every day is what it's all about. I hope this challenge brought that home to you and helped you learn a little more about yourself.
Today's challenges are very simple. First, you'll reflect on your experience and then you'll celebrate any way you choose.
If you enjoyed this challenge or you have some suggestions or comments, feel free to email me at Thanks for participating and great job
Your Active Challenge
Take at least 30 minutes today to reflect on what you've accomplished and how you felt.
Write in your journal about your experience with this challenge. Some questions to get you started:
·         How difficult was it to follow the challenges each day?
·         Which were the hardest challenges? Did the nutrition challenges trip you up or were the exercise challenges more difficult?
·         What area did you excel at?
·         How did it feel to go 21 days without focusing on weight loss? Did it change your perspective at all?
·         What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
·         What changes will you make more permanent in your life?
·         Was there a point where you wanted to give up? Did you give up or did you find a way to keep going?
 Your Fitness Challenge
Celebrate your success!
Whether you celebrate today or plan a future reward for yourself, make sure you take some time today to revel in your success. It's a very big deal to make it through such a difficult challenge and you deserve something great, whether it's a night out or a trip somewhere tropical. Some ideas for you to chew on:
·         Get a massage
·         Plan a vacation
·         Buy a new exercise outfit
·         Update your home gym with new equipment
·         Go out to dinner
·         Have dessert
·         Hire that personal trainer or dietician you've been thinking about.  Hey, why not me!
There are no other challenges for you today, but one option is to take time to go back through everything you've collected in the last 21-days: Your journal, and any other notes you kept. As you look through all you've done, think about how far you've come. Really notice where you started out and where you are now and give yourself credit for any changes, no matter how small, you've made.
Now, you may be wondering where to go from here. I'm working on a sequel to this challenge yet, for now, there are some options for you to continue on with your healthy lifestyle:
Be sure to sign up and join us for our next challenge beginning on Monday, November 25th titled "Stay Slim 4 the holidays".  Its going to be a good one and you don't want to miss it. :) 
Your Nutrition Challenge-
Your Mind/Body Challenge-
 Your Life Transformation Challenge-
No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.
Great Job and Best of Health,